Our two party system is a puppet show, a tool of distraction used by the ruling elite to anoint their chosen candidate. How many must get fed up enough to mobilize for change? We are on the brink of horrific consequences, yet if we can unite, together we can make a difference.
Now is when the candidates at least pretend to listen. To do better, we must believe we can.
Step one: Listen, get others to listen. Knowledge is power. Internet will save the world, sharing the best ideas so we can move forward in the most positive way. Yet still a tool of information control, if we get the word out, we will flourish. I'm no billionaire, I think a lot, seeking ideas which could benefit everyone. These concepts can be shared in easy doses.
If any of this matters to you, please pass it on.
For now, I am Anyone. If this makes sense to enough of us, our voices will be amplified proportionate to our numbers. Rather than accept things as they are, at least I may find solace knowing I tried, as daunting a challenge as this may seem to be.
Time for a truly independent alternative to the political party structure which has failed us miserably. We don't need to take it any more. Please read on so I can show what can be done and how. I won't pretend to know it all. Consider it a starting point to open the conversation. Wiser specialists will find the best solutions. If it can't be done, I'll try to explain why.
This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius.